Friday, November 03, 2006

Why born again Bingo??

I guess because that is how i view the season i am in? I have now been a christian for seven and a half months and it has been an interesting journey which am pretty sure will continue to remain that way, howether i have created this notion of Born again bingo to illustrate my journey. I feel i have to collect all the balls to get a line or if am lucky a full house. There are many paths to do this; vertical, four corners, diagonal of course but the numbers must remain the same in all the different methods. You have to learn the lingo so not to embarrass your self in the place of worship that is the bingo hall, two little ducks? do you say the quack,quack? plus it's different depending on the bingo hall. I don't think Mecca say two fat ladies but Gala probably do.

The other players can also stand in your way if you don't remain focused and your main objective is to listen and obey the bingo caller at all times. Even where you're stressed because your dabber is running out. Don't get me wrong i love being in the game but there is so much technique and lingo to learn.The caller is there with you 100% of the way even if some old lady is blocking your vision. It is all totally worth it of course when he calls your final number and you get that full house.


St. Claire of Toxteth said...

and special

St. Claire of Toxteth said...

Clothes! we should meet up for lunch when i get back. I have lost count of who knows and who doesn't. The more the merrier to be honest. You shall all be accompanying me and dancing in the aisle before the new year is in!

Ellen Loudon said...

makes me laugh that your church's name is the same as the flea killer I put on my is an unfortunate coincidence!

Ellen Loudon said...

go to for the scary coincidence! xxx

St. Claire of Toxteth said...

Well, what can i say?? It keeps Benny from being infested by the pests of the world. I do have a little giggle when the advert comes on!

Unknown said...

Thank you for taking the time and sharing this information with us. It was indeed very helpful and insightful while being straight forward and to the point